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Primary School

A Journey in Faith, Love and Learning

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Wales Class

Spring Term  


What an exciting first half term in our brand new class! 


In math's we have been learning to count to 20. We have been working hard to learn the ‘teen numbers’ and we have tried hard to write them correctly.  


In our English lessons we have read books with stories that all take place on a farm. The poor Little Red Hen had to plant the wheat and make the flour all by herself. We made our own bread in class and then took it home to taste it. We completed an egg obstacle course using our gross motor skills so as not to drop Little Red Hens egg. We wrote sentences all about the mean farmer in the story of Farmer Duck. We liked the story at the end when all the friends worked together to chase him away. We talked about how important it is that we work together as a team. We are so much better at taking care of each other and helping tidy up the classroom. Our final and favourite story has been What the Ladybird Heard. We have described the characters from the story and made map of the farm. We have worked hard to use capital letters, full sops and sit our writing on the line.  


In Science we investigated the forces of push and pull. We used ramps to change the surface to see if we could make the cars go faster. We learnt the difference between a push and a pull. In art we used clay to make animal sculptures based upon the art of Juile Wilson. We found that the clay was difficult to work with and get it to stick together. We are going to have another try next half term. In history we found out about the work of Florence Nightingale. That she was a nurse and helped to make hospitals much cleaner and safer to be in.  

We have read the book Daisy’s Dragons and talked about our emotions and what to do when our emotions get too big. Mrs Battersby has talked to us about being good friends and how to share.   
