
School Logo

Welcome to

St Leonard's

Primary School

With God's help, we will be inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational.

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At some time during their school life your children may need extra help with their learning. We have a positive, inclusive whole school approach to the education and development of all children.We aim to give each child full access to the whole curriculum by focusing on what they can do rather than what they cannot. We seek to enhance their self-esteem and increase their self-confidence helping children achieve their full potential.We make every effort to identify children with learning difficulties as soon as possible and believe that early identification and suitable provision is important for any child who has special educational needs.
Please click on the link below to learn more about our school and building access plan and SEN policy.
The SEN and Disability Local Offer describes what help, support and services are available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families at St Leonard’s Primary School.

If you would like to speak with Miss Waring (our SENCO) please make an appointment at the office or email
