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St Leonard's

Primary School

A Journey in Faith, Love and Learning

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At St. Leonard’s, art and design helps to stimulate children’s creativity and imagination. We provide a high-quality art and design curriculum which inspires, engages and challenges children. Our art lessons are a place where children have the freedom and curiosity to explore and express their own ideas. This enables the children to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form and pattern. They explore ideas and meaning through the work of artists and designers, which helps them to learn about the diverse history and cultures of art. Children learn about a variety of artists and designers that reflect the diversity of our world today.


We ensure that art and design is embedded into our whole school curriculum so children are provided with opportunities to enhance their learning through art. Our children are taught art and design through a progression of skills, following a sequence that acknowledges the importance of previous learning. The children respect and value their own and others work and have high expectations of their final pieces. We create opportunities for oracy and communication through art vocabulary that the children build on each year.

“Art is not just a subject to learn, but an activity that you can practise with your hands, your eyes, your whole personality.”’

Quentin Blake



Our art and design curriculum provides children with opportunities to develop their skills in art using a range of media and materials. Children have the opportunity to explore and evaluate different creative ideas developing skills in drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles and 3D work and digital art.  During their art lessons, the children study a range of works by famous artists to develop knowledge of styles.

Art lessons are planned based on ‘Access art’ which has been adapted to reflect our curriculum drivers and school vision. It is taught every other half term.

The children’s artwork is displayed around school to motivate and inspire others and to celebrate the pupils’ achievements.

England class enjoying mixing colours in the outside provision

Year 1 - Exploring line and mark making
