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Canada Class (Y4)

Autumn 2

The children have had a very busy half term learning about lots of exciting things.


In DT, the children tasted and evaluated the packaging of different biscuits. They then worked in groups to adapt a basic biscuit recipe for a specific target audience. The children had a great time making the biscuits as well as their packaging. Finally, the children tasted their biscuit and evaluated how well it matched the target audience.


In geography, we have been learning about the different counties of the UK. The children looked at the physical and human geography in Somerset, Derbyshire and Northumberland. They learnt how to identify a place on a map using four figure grid references. 


In science, the children have been inquiring about electricity. They learnt about the difference between mains and battery powered electricity and the pros and cons of both. They then constructed different circuits exploring how switches impacted the circuit. Finally, they learnt about how to be safe around electricity and designed their own posters. 


In maths, the children have been working hard on multiplying and dividing numbers using a mental method. They then learnt how to use a written method for multiplication to multiply three digit numbers by a one digit number. 


Finally, the children enjoyed a Christmassy week! They had a great time at their Christmas party, created beautiful Christmas cards for loved ones and enjoyed a festive film afternoon with popcorn. 


The children have had a great start to the year. They have been focusing on working independently and being respectful listeners in class.

In English, the children have enjoyed learning the story ‘The Tear Thief’ and they have focused on the characterisation toolkit. They have written their own stories about their own thief.

In maths, the children have been learning about place value. They have been counting in steps of 25 and 50. They have been round 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. They have also started their unit on addition and subtraction. They have persevered with using mental methods to add and subtract.

The RE unit has been based around the question ‘Why do Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God?’ They have explored this question and then looked at how Jewish people celebrate Shabbat each week.

In PSHE, the children have enjoyed talking about their friends and families. They have focused on what makes up a healthy friendship.

In history, the children have loved learning about the Lancashire Cotton Industry. They enjoyed a visitor coming into school and explored many artefacts. From this they continued to find out many more facts about what life was like for the people working in the cotton mills.

Have a great half term break!

Year 4 team.

Summer 2


Canada class have enjoyed their final half term in year 4.

In English, they have planned and written stories around the Greek Myth ‘Theseus and the Minotaur.’ They then created their own mythical creature and wrote an information text about it.

Year 4 have shown that they are independent in maths. They have been working hard to solve problems involving measure. All the children have continued to practise their times tables too so these are fluent.

In history, the children have been exploring the ancient Greeks. They have been inquiring and being historians to help them find out more about the past.  In science, the children have been finding out about our digestive system. They have also looked at teeth and the role that the different teeth play in humans and animals.
In RE, the children have continued to find out about the church. They have also looked at other places of worship, in particular the Jewish Synagogue. They have explored the features and looked at how it is different to a Christian church. They have also been fortunate enough to visit a Jewish Synagogue.


Summer 1


The year 4 children have had a super half term.

The children have enjoyed learning our warning story ‘Icarus’ and have learnt some new grammar skills, which they applied in their own warning story.

Year 4 have shown that they are independent in maths when learning about money and time. They have explored real money, totaling amounts, working out change and solving word problems.

The children have really enjoyed their geography unit which focused on the question ‘Is it the same time in every country around the world?’ We explored the different time zones, as well as looking at why the Diomede Islands are so special.

Year 4 have been learning about God’s wonderful world in science. We have been inquiring about habitats and deforestation.

The children have enjoyed learning about electrical systems in DT. They explored some torches and then planned, built and evaluated their own.
In RE, the children have been independent when learning about the church, its features and purpose.
