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St Leonard's

Primary School

With God's help, we will be inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational.

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Governors Welcome


On behalf of the Governing Body I would like to reiterate our Headteacher’s welcome to new parents and to thank existing parents for their continuing support. I am sure that you will find this latest edition of the prospectus useful and informative not only now but as the school year progresses.


We are very proud of St. Leonard’s C. E. Primary School. Our staff are highly motivated, caring and professional in all aspects of education and under the leadership of our Headteacher Mrs Proctor, I am fully convinced our children will receive the help they need to attain their full potential, irrespective of their ability.


All of the Governors actively support the Headteacher and school personnel in achieving the school’s aims and objectives whilst constantly seeking to improve standards across the curriculum. As Governors we all have particular responsibilities and are frequent visitors to the school.


Our children’s education is an essential foundation stone for the rest of their lives. We are committed to providing them with the highest standard of teaching and learning in a safe caring environment in which they will receive a thorough, rounded and totally enjoyable education during these their formative years.


We look forward to achieving this with your assistance and support.


Yours sincerely,


Judith Laycock

Chair of Governors
