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Welcome to

St Leonard's

Primary School

With God's help, we will be inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational.

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Our Vision Statement

Our vision statement is derived from and underpinned by the Biblical reference: 

‘A new commandment I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’

 John 13:34


Our school's vision is:


With God's help, we will be inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational.


  • We will be inclusive by loving all and embracing differences so that all are treated with dignity and respect.
  • We will be independent by persevering and encouraging everyone to be the best that they can be, working together as a nurturing, Christian family.
  • We will be inquiring by asking questions so that we grow in mind, body and spirit, learning about God's wondrous, diverse world.
  • We will be inspirational by following Jesus' example, making a positive difference in the lives of others through love.