China Class (Y6)
Autumn Term 2
The children in Year 6 have worked incredibly hard this half term. They have been on the recognition board many times for 100% effort, being responsible for their own behaviour, listening well, thinking hard, being kind, being safe and showing Christmas spirit among many others.
In English, they enjoyed writing defeating the monster stories and were excellent at using the characterisation toolkit; especially including show not tell phrases.
In maths, the children have successfully converted and simplified fractions as well as adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing them.
We had a great science day to start our unit ‘What does light teach us about reflection?’ The children showed great knowledge about how light travels, how our eyes work and how mirrors can be used to reflect light in different situations.
In groups, the children considered ‘What is needed to create an inclusive menu?’ and researched recipes that were inclusive of different diets. They loved making the different courses and voted on the best course.
In indoor PE, the children tried out different counter balances and counter tension balances (see photos!) before planning and performing routines, which reflected their hard work.
The children showed great responsibility when discussing how relationships change as they grow older and why is it important to value diversity within a community.
There was good perseverance displayed during the challenging computing unit ‘How can different coding be used to create artwork?’ and the children supported one another throughout.
Autumn Term 2
Autumn 1
What a busy half term we have had!
We started Year 6 with our residential to Robinwood, where the children were inclusive of one another, worked really well in teams, challenged themselves and had an amazing time.
They loved meeting their buddies and getting to know them more.
In English, the Year 6 enjoyed reading ‘The Magic Paintbrush’ and successfully revisited spelling, punctuation and grammar. They wrote a new version of the story. The class have then learnt about recounts and have chosen their independent writing and included co-ordinating conjunctions, model verbs, adverbials, expanded noun phrases, relative clauses and parenthesis.
In maths, the children worked hard with place value and BODMAS. They have persevered with learning long multiplication and short and long division.
The children showed great talent for representing the British Values through the medium of dance. They also loved the Handball festival.
Year 6 found our history question ‘What is the International Slave Trade and what can we learn from it?’ very interesting and showed excellent inquiry skills throughout. The children produced an excellent end of unit piece.
For Black History Month, the children looked at work by American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat and produced self-portraits in his style.
For computing, China Class could answer the question: What was Bletchley Park and why was it significant? They completed research and learnt about computing heroes.
The RE question was ‘Life is a journey. Is every person’s journey the same?’ The children could give well-thought out responses to this question.
Overall, the children have worked really hard and made a positive start to their year 6 journey and should be very proud of their efforts. We are proud of them all.
Autumn 1 work
Summer 2
Year 6 have come to the end of their primary school journey. Over this half term, they have shown great independence in producing excellent history work about crime and punishment; they were inquiring about the circulatory system and found it fascinating; and designed, made and played maths games that incorporated their year 6 learning. They have also designed, made and evaluated a stuffed toy in DT.
In groups, the children planned and organised a stall for Enterprise Day; they had a great day running these and ensured that they were inclusive of all children who visited their stall. The children have also taken part in Sport’s Day, trying their best in all events.
In the final days of the summer term, the children have enjoyed a Spa morning, film afternoon, had an outdoor day with ice cream and had a toy afternoon.
We wish the children all the best and they will be missed.
Summer 1
The children in China Class have worked very hard in grammar, reading and maths and their attitude and hard-work in the weeks before the SATs tests and during them was inspiring.
In geography, the children worked independently to research the human and physical geography of North America. They presented their findings to the rest of the class. The children mapped the areas in North America that produce natural resources.
In RE, the children have answered the question: What is the nature and character of God? They have also learnt about the Buddhist festival of Wesak.
In science, the children have looked at how different plants and animals are adapted to their habitat. They have learnt about the inspirational scientist Charles Darwin and have been inquiring when carrying out an investigation about which beak worked the best at picking up seeds. The class have also learnt about natural selection and how horses and woolly mammoths evolved.
Spring 2
We have had a very busy half term.
In English, the children enjoyed starting the term off with learning about The Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll and all the tricky vocabulary the poem contains. The children have also worked really hard learning and recapping synonyms and antonyms, semi-colons, modal verbs, expanded noun phrases, co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions, pronouns, determiners, nouns, verb and adverbs. They have also written character descriptions, a fractured fairy tale and a story called The Clocktower.
In maths, China class have learnt about percentages, ratio and algebra. The children worked incredibly hard in these tricky areas of maths.
The science unit was Evolution and Inheritance. The children have learnt about variation within a species and how this can happen and they also identified how camels and Venus flytraps are adapted to their environment.
In history, the children have been very interested in answering ‘How did the early Islamic civilisation compare to Britain at the same time?’ The class have looked at where the civilisation was; how the citizens of Baghdad influenced or changed our world; and how life Baghdad compared to life in Anglo-Saxon England.
In RE, the children discussed ‘Who was Jesus? Who is Jesus?’ and welcomed visitors into class to help answer the questions from the point of view of their faith.
During the computing lessons the children have researched the history of certain computers and created poster to show how they have evolved or influenced the computers of today.
Spring 1
We have had such a busy term in year 6, even though it has only been 5 weeks long.
In English, year 6 enjoyed reading Little Vixen Street and exploring new vocabulary and the techniques for including suspense and setting description. The children have written great stories that included suspense and setting descriptions.
In maths, the class have continued to work really hard learning about decimals and converting measures. They have also been practising reasoning questions and how to break them up into smaller steps.
In science, the children know how light travels and how things are seen. They enjoyed planning and carrying out a light and shadow investigation and know that the closer an object is to a light source the bigger the shadow.
Year 6 had a fantastic 'God's Big Picture' Day where they looked at the story of the Bible from beginning to end!
In geography, they researched where some of our food comes from; how the global supply chain works; and learnt about Fairtrade and the importance of this.
Year 6 loved designing their automatas and worked very sensibly when starting to make the frame. These will be completed after half term.
The children found QR codes fun in computing and designed a system that could use infrared light to detect something.
In PE, the children worked really well together in teams when playing seated volleyball.
The children from year 6 have also represented the school really well at the Dance from the Heart practise, Athletics and throughout our history visitor day.
Autumn 2
In China Class, the children have been working and giving 100%. They have worked well with their learning partners and have been ready to learn quickly after breaks and lunch.
In English, we have been looking at warning stories and focusing on how dialogue can move a story forwards. We have enjoyed writing our own warning stories. We also looked at recounts and wrote a recount about our amazing time at Robinwood.
In science, we have investigated complete and incomplete circuits. We planned an experiment to see if the number of batteries can make a bulb brighter or a buzzer louder. We also looked at renewable and non-renewable energy.
In history, our enquiry question was ‘What was the transatlantic slave trade?’ It was a fascinating topic and we learnt about Lancashire's involvement, how enslaved people were treated, the transatlantic triangle and when slavery was abolished. We also had a superb trip to the International Slavery museum in Liverpool. We ended our topic by producing double page spreads showing our knowledge.
In our indoor PE, we have been taking part in gymnastic lessons and trying out different ways of travelling along and under equipment. We also had to set a hoop rolling and complete a forward roll in time to catch it - it was very tricky.
In computing, we have had an introduction to the coding language of Python and experimented with programming online microbits.
We have researched advent in RE and how Christians prepare for Christmas.
We have had a great half term and loved all the Christmas activities towards the end of term including the Nativity, our class party and the Christmas Fair.
Autumn 1 in year 6 has been a very busy, exciting half term. All of the children have shown great perseverance and resilience.
In English, we have been working hard in class to write defeating the monster stories and instructions.
In maths, we have covered lots of topics, such as, order of operations, long divison and multiplication, reading and ordering number to 10000000.
In science, we have learnt about classifying animals and how Carl Linnaeus created a system for classifying animals and plants.
In DT, in groups, we created three meal plans that each included a starter, a main course and a dessert. Two of the meals were tailored to specific diets such as gluten free. We then made each course and everyone in class tasted them. They were all delicious.
In school, we had a Vison Day to focus on our values:
Being inclusive, inquiring and inspirational by:
- Encouraging each other to be the best we can be, working together as a nurturing, Christian family.
- Asking questions so that we grow in mind, body and spirit, embracing God’s wondrous, diverse world.
- Following Jesus’ example, making a positive difference in the lives of others through love.
Also during Autumn 1, year 6 went to Robinwood for their residential where they took part in many activities: zipline, climbing, piranha pool and much more. We all had an amazing time.