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Primary School

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Autumn 1

The children in Canada class have had a busy and fun half term. In English, the children have learnt the story of ‘The Tear Thief’ and their toolkit focus was characterisation. They wrote some fantastic stories of their own, where they had to create and describe their own new character. They also wrote instructions for how to trap the thief that they had written about in their stories.

In maths, the children have been using their place value knowledge with numbers up to 10 000. They have practised rounding these numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. When rounding these numbers, the children found it tricky! We were all proud with how resilient the children were though, and they persevered with their rounding.

In geography, the children have been looking at different counties within the UK. They started in Land’s End and visited different counties on their way up to John O’Groats. In science, the children have been classifying animals and plants. In DT, the children have designed and made their own biscuits. The children all enjoyed 'Booktober' especially our mystery readers and reading with other children in school. 
