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St Leonard's

Primary School

With God's help, we will be inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational.

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To deepen our understanding of Christianity and World Faiths, each year group visits a different place of worship. This enables our pupils to live out our school vision of being inclusive by understanding and learning about different religions. 


Reception class visit St Leonard's Church throughout the year with the whole school. As well as this, they have a special visit where they look at different parts of the church including the font and the altar. 


Year 1 children visit Bamber Bridge Methodist Church to learn about a different aspect of Christianity. They look at the similarities and differences between the two churches. 


Year 2 children visit a local mosque in Preston. The children experience a ritual called Wudu which is where they wash their hands and feet. 


Year 4 children visit a Jewish Synagogue in Bury. They learn more about Judaism by looking at real artefacts including the Torah and a menorah.


Year 6 children visit Blackburn Cathedral for a special leavers service. They join together with other schools as well as members from the Diocese of Blackburn to sing hymns and give thanks to God.
