At St Leonard’s, we believe in having high expectations of presentation in our school, where all of our children are smartly dressed. We believe that dressing smartly in a school uniform supports the ethos of our school and assists with good behaviour and in fostering a strong feeling of belonging amongst all children.
Our school colours are royal blue and black.
School uniform can be ordered online directly from www.handprints.info or from Bang Bang uniform suppliers in Preston.
Uniform attire
- Light blue shirt (not polo shirt)
- School tie (available from current suppliers and school)
- Black trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
- Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo (available from current suppliers)
- Blue check dress/white socks -summer term
- Light blue logo PE T-shirt (available from current suppliers)
- Navy blue PE shorts/fitness shorts
- Black socks
- Black shoes, not open toed sandals
- Black PE pumps
- PE bags, Book/homework bags/school rucksack (Infant and Junior)
- Hair bobbles (school colours)
Optional items are:
- Outdoor jacket/fleece (Royal blue with logo) (Reversible)
- Plain no logo navy blue or black track suit or jogging bottoms
Please put your child’s name on every item of clothing and provide a named bag. It is of great assistance to a teacher to be able to identify clothing easily and quickly, and to prevent the owner from becoming upset. When children come to school in wellingtons, please write their name in both wellingtons. We try to allow the children to play outside during all breaks and it is therefore advisable to send them to school in a warm coat in winter months.
All children must come to school in their full uniform or their full PE kit on PE days.
Jewellery: The wearing of jewellery such as rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces etc. is not permitted in school. Children will be asked to remove such items. Ear piercings should be done over the summer holidays, so earrings can be removed when returning to school in September.
Hair Styles and fashion: We expect all children to have a tidy appearance in school. It is important that long hair is neatly tied back using bobbles in keeping with the school colours.
Designs or fashion haircuts (e.g. shaved heads, Mohican styles, extremely short hairstyles or zigzags, markings, shaved etc.) are not permitted in school. Ultimately, the headteacher will decide if a hairstyle is unacceptable, since parents may have a different view.
- Tattoos or nail varnish are not permitted
- Fashion bracelets and loop bracelets are not permitted
- Makeup is not permitted
Footwear: Trainers, plimsolls and boots are not to be worn for school (unless it is in a PE lesson).
Lost Property: Lost property will be kept in the class until the end of each half term, when this is then washed and added to the recycle uniform project. The biggest issue with lost uniform is that it cannot be returned to its rightful owner as 97% of lost uniform does not have names in it.
Recycle uniform project: The school receives numerous donations of used, good quality school uniform, which is washed, bagged and available for any parent to acquire by emailing school with their requirements or at an arranged second hand sale or school fair. There is a uniform sale item set up on ParentPay for anyone wishing to make a small donation to school.
Monitoring: Pupil’s uniform will be monitored to ensure that pupils are dressed smartly.
What will happen if your child does not adhere to the uniform policy
Should pupils not be dressed smartly in accordance with this policy, parents will be informed by Dojo message from their child’s class teacher in the first instance. If the situation does not improve, a letter will be sent home via the school office. A meeting with the headteacher will be arranged if presentation does not improve, in order to support the child and family.
If families are struggling to provide items of uniform, please contact the school office who will be able to support with this.