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St Leonard's

Primary School

With God's help, we will be inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational.

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England Class (R)

Summer 2

You really have reached for the stars this half term England class. You have demonstrated resilience, independence hard work and compassion for each other. You have also been inspirational whilst taking your transition visits in your stride.


You have all grown up so much this year. This half term you showed us that you are ready for your next challenges in Year 1. Well done England class, we are very proud of you all!


Thank you to all parents and carers for all your support it is very much appreciated.


Have a wonderful summer.

Miss Sweeney, Miss Carol and Mrs Patel.

Summer 1 England class

The children have been working really hard this half term to be independent learners which will support them in their transition into Year 1. This has been evident in their writing, the children are now willing to have a go at recording sentences independently using their Fred fingers. 
The children have used their enquiry skills when exploring what it would be like to go on safari in Kenya. They used their knowledge from the stories we have been reading based in Kenya and the information we have gathered whilst being geographers.

In DT the children explored, planned, prepared and evaluated their rainbow fruit salads. They listened carefully so they knew how to be safe when using a knife to chop fruits and independently carried this task out. 
The children have been inclusive whilst exploring different places of worship. They particularly enjoyed creating models of these places of worship using construction materials.
This week in maths the children have been weighing objects using a balancing pan and non-standard measure.
We can't wait to enjoy our final half term of learning with you after the half term break! 

Spring 2

We are so very proud of you all this half term. You have worked hard and shown great resilience especially when tackling new learning. This has been particularly evident in maths when you used practical resources to add and subtract, and in English when reading and writing simple sentences.

Whilst being historians we have enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale and finding out why we still remember her today. We celebrated the schools 50th birthday and looked at how the old school differed to our school today.

In art we have experimented with clay and playdough, creating our own animal sculptures using ideas from famous artists.

Over the last few weeks we have been spotting signs of Spring. We have been able to talk about changes in the weather, what we have spotted growing and that baby animals are often born at this time.

Thank you to all the parents for your continued support with your child’s learning.
Have a lovely Easter break!


Spring 2 England Class

Spring 1

We are so very proud of you all this half term.

You have worked hard over the past 5 weeks and are now showing that you can work with more independence.

The children have particularly enjoyed learning about our talk for writing text ‘The Three Little Pigs’ which they innovated choosing a new animal such as ‘The Three little dogs’. The children also used their speaking and listening skills to follow and give instructions in English.

In Maths the children have been learning how to describe 2d and 3d shapes with confidence. They also began to measure the length, width and the height of everyday objects. They really embraced the opportunity of measuring large objects with non-standard measure such as wooden blocks and their feet.

In Geography the children were able to tell each other about where they lived and showed they know about the places in their local area by creating their own maps. The children showed perseverance in DT as they developed their fine motor skills be creating a running stitch on their book marks.

Keep practising the skills you have been taught during ‘Tots on Tyres’ the team said you worked incredibly hard.

The children also made us very proud when we visited ‘Little Lancashire’ this week. They followed the school rules, worked well with their peers and embraced all the different role play experiences the setting provided.

Thank you to all the parents for all your support with your child’s learning.
Have a lovely half term! We are all looking forward to working with you next half term.



We are so very proud of all the children in reception this half term.

The children have worked hard with their phonics, our text ‘Owl Babies’ and the place value of the numbers to 10. The children have particularly enjoyed learning about the Nativity story in RE, making their junk models in DT and making a timeline of toys in History. The children’s nativity performances were outstanding. They sang beautifully and performed the actions with confidence.


The children have grown so much in the last 7 weeks and are now showing that they are taking charge of their own learning and learning behaviours. Thank you to all the parents for all your help with our DT and History work this half term. It really has helped our work come alive.


Reception Autumn 2

Autumn 1

What a fantastic first half term your children have had at St Leonard’s, well done everyone!  The children have been working really hard at learning our school routines and rules. They have fully embraced learning new sounds in phonics and having a go at ‘Fred talking’ and blending the sounds to say the word. In English, the children have done a super job of performing and creating text maps for the story ‘Rosie’s Walk’. In maths the children have been learning all about the number from 1-4.

We have been geographers this half term and we can now talk about what areas we have in our class room, the parts of school and what places are close to school. The children are all very creative and were able to draw and add colour to their self -portraits using paint and pastels. In RE we have been talking about how we are special and that we are all special in the eyes of God. In PSHE the children have been learning about how to be healthy and what we can do to make sure we are all healthy. Thank you for all your hard work, Reception Class you have shown you are ready to shine at big school. Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support this half term, we are very proud of your children.

Miss Sweeney, Mrs Rimmer, Mrs Patel and Mrs Treagust.
