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St Leonard's

Primary School

With God's help, we will be inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational.

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The children are taught Religious Education lessons weekly following the Questful RE scheme of work. 


As well as this, we educate the children about Christianity and World Faiths through special days throughout the year. Please see below to find out more information about these days.

The whole school took part in 'God's Big Picture' Day to help the children understand the overarching story of the whole Bible, from beginning to end. We feel it is important for our children to understand the eight core concepts and how they fit together. The children use the Big Frieze to inquire by asking questions and make observations.

This day also helps children understand that stories from the Old Testament are from before Jesus was born and are based in the history of God’s people and that the stories and teachings from the New Testament are from when Jesus was born onwards.

Every year, we begin the academic year with Vision Day. This is to ensure all children in our school, including our new reception starters, understand what our school vision is and where in the Bible our school vision is from. 

The children look at the story of The Last Supper and complete some work around this including drama, art work and letter writing in the role of Jesus. As well as this, the children complete activities based around inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational. We ensure that the children understand the meaning of these words through picture books and games.

World Faiths


