Italy Class (Y1)
Autumn 2
We’ve reached the end of a busy and exciting first term in Year 1!
In English, we’ve been exploring the story Billy's Beetle. Inspired by the book, we wrote our own amazing loosing stories. We’ve also worked hard to improve how fluently we can read.
In Maths, we’ve been working with numbers up to 20. We’ve learned important rules for addition and subtraction and discovered which tools can help us solve problems. We’ve also started exploring 2D and 3D shapes, learning how to describe their properties.
In Science, we’ve investigated everyday materials like glass, metal, and wood, learning why certain materials are used to make different objects.
In History, we compared schools from the past to schools today. A highlight was listening to Mrs. Beard and Mrs. McEwan share stories about their school days!
In PSHE, we discussed the difference between rights and responsibilities, while in Art, we experimented with exciting mark-making techniques using lots of different materials.
Positive Noticing Day was a big hit! We had so much fun writing kind messages to each other. The term ended on a high note with our fantastic nativity performance. It was wonderful to see how much confidence we’ve gained since September, showing off our singing and dancing skills.
What a term it’s been! We’re so proud of everything we’ve achieved and can’t wait for what’s next.
Autumn 1
Year 1 have settled in really well to their class. They have been focusing on being independent and thinking about their thinking. They have been working hard on managing distractions and being great thinkers.
In science, the children have been learning about seasonal change. They have learnt about trees in the different seasons as well as the different clothing we need to wear for each season.
In geography, the children have been learning about Walton Le Dale and Preston. They have been inquiring about physical and human features of our area. They know that the River Ribble is physical geography and the shops are human geography.
In computing, the children have been developing their mouse skills by using SketchPad to create different types of art work. They made a replica of Wassily Kandinsky's 'Concentric Circles' and they also created self portraits.
In RE, the children have been learning about harvest and how to ensure other people have a good harvest. They harvested apples from our school grounds to donate to a food bank.

Summer 2
Year 1 have had a busy half term!
In English, we have learnt the story The Rainbow Fish and enjoyed writing character and setting descriptions linked to the story. We then learnt about recounts and wrote lots of diary entries about our trip to the zoo, a teddy bear's picnic and Sport's day.
In history, we have been learning about Rosa Parks and why she is a significant person. We also looked at other inspirational people including Martin Luther King.
In art, we have been learning about primary and secondary colours. We learnt how to mix primary colours to make secondary colours and enjoyed learning about Clarice Cliff and painting in the style of her 'tree circle' plates.
We have worked really hard this half term and are most definitely ready for Year 2.

Summer 1
We have had another busy half term in Spain class!
In English, we have learnt the text The Magic Porridge Pot. We innovated our stories so that our main character received a new magic food item such as a magic frying pan and a magic pizza tray. For our non-fiction text, we looked at instructions on how to make porridge. The children enjoyed innovating this to make different types of sandwiches.
In science, we have been inquiring when looking at God's wondrous world. We looked at the different parts of a flower and the different parts of a tree. The children enjoyed cutting up the different parts of a flower and making the different parts of a tree using craft materials. We also learnt about deciduous and evergreen trees and talked about the differences between the two.
In DT, we have loved being independent when making vehicles. We learnt about how wheels and axles worked and found out that we would need a wheel, an axle and an axle holder to make our vehicle move. We really enjoyed racing our vehicles and evaluating what went well and what we would improve next time.
We have enjoyed being inclusive when looking at different religious festivals including Vaisahki and Wesak. The children enjoyed making lotus flower lanterns and learning about the beliefs behind each festival.

Spring 2
We have had a great half term in Spain class.
We started off the term with a visit to Leyland Transport Museum. We saw lots of different types of vehicles including a double decker bus and a fire engine. We really enjoyed learning about the different modes of transport throughout history and thinking about similarities and differences between them.
In art, we have enjoyed making 3d sculptures using paper. We created 'tube towers' with a group and then experimented with paper with a partner. We learnt how to fold, bend and cut paper to make different effects. We enjoyed making a 'tree of life' using the different techniques.
In RE, we have enjoyed learning about the Easter story. We sequenced the events and thought about how this story links to the life cycle of a butterfly. We really enjoyed creating painting of Jesus' resurrection.
As always, we have been working hard in our phonics lessons. We are becoming more familiar with reading alien words and reading multi syllabic words.

Autumn 2
We have come to the end of a busy first term in year 1.
In English we have been reading the book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. We used the setting descriptions in the book to write our own wonderful descriptions of the jungle and then of space. We have also worked amazingly hard to improve the fluency of our reading .
During our math's lessons we have moved to using numbers up to 20. We learnt rules about addition and subtraction and which equipment we can use to help us. We have started to learn about 2D and 3D Shapes and can describe the properties of these shapes.
In science we have looked at the properties of everyday materials and we can talk about why things are made using glass, metal, or wood. We found history interesting as we looked at the similarities and differences between schools now and in the past. We enjoyed listening to Mrs. Beard and Mrs. McEwan tell us about their school days. In PSHE we talked about the differences between rights and responsibilities. In Art we have been looking at different techniques for mark making using a variety of different materials .
We loved positive noticing day and enjoyed writing kind messages to each other. Finally, we ended the term with a wonderful nativity performance where we showed how much we have grown in confidence since September with fantastic singing and dancing.

What an exciting first half term we’ve had in year 1!
In English we learnt all about the adventures of pirate Tom and his crew searching for treasure on Rockabilly Island. We wrote fantastic character descriptions of a pirate and created persuasive adverts to encourage people to come and visit our pirate islands .
In Maths we have been learning the rules of addition and subtraction working with numbers to 10 . We also learnt how to use a part part whole and write number sentences .
During our science lessons we have been finding out all about the human body and our senses . We learnt how to keep ourselves healthy and how it’s important to make sure that our minds are healthy too . In Geography we have studied the local area and compared it with the city of Preston . We noticed that our village didn’t have a hospital and a university but that Preston does.
Our favourite part of this half term was investigating seasonal changes . We welcomed Wild Wood Days into school to spend the afternoon completing forest school activities in our fabulous wooded area.
Autumn Term in Spain Class