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Primary School

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Brazil Spring 1

In Year 5, it has been another busy term!

In English, we have been learning to write portal stories and instructions. We have shown a huge improvement in our writing. We have been looking at how and why we use relative clauses.

In art, we have been printing a monotype using carbon copy paper. Our artwork was inspired by the poem "Ghosts in the Garden." We displayed our artwork and demonstrated how to utilise carbon copy paper to our parents and grown-ups, which was very exciting!

In maths, we have been focusing on fractions. This included ordering, comparing, adding and subtracting. We will be finishing off our unit with multiplying fractions next term. 

We have been learning about Jesus as a teacher in RE. With regard to this, we have produced some incredible artwork. We even examined British values and contrasted them with school and Christian values. 
We have been studying the Tudors and their influence on Britain in history. 

In science, we have been investigated forces including water resistance and friction. We investigated this by testing different shape boats in water and cars on difference surfaces.

The children have shown a big improvement in their behaviour this term. We have been concentrating on being focused and being kind to all. 

We are looking forward to another busy term!
