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St Leonard's

Primary School

With God's help, we will be inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational.

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Canada Class

What a very busy but exciting half-term we have had in Canada class. The children have written some amazing stories based on our model text The Kapok Tree. We have learned how to count in 6's, 7's, and 11's and have learned many different strategies to help us learn our tables.

In geography, the children have learned about the water cycle and demonstrated their understanding through drama and music. Our DT unit was to be able to follow a recipe and make biscuits. The children also had to design packaging for their biscuit. We had a great time mixing the recipe and cutting out the biscuits. Unfortunately, the baking part did not go to plan but the children still had biscuits to decorate and were able to evaluate the whole process!

Some of the children participated in a dodgeball competition and represented the school wonderfully and the whole class enjoyed a dance workshop.

Thank you to all of the adults who were able to make it into school to help the children decorate.

We have had a wonderful half term and are looking forward to our new learning after Christmas.

Merry Christmas.
