Canada Class Summer News
Canada class have had busy and exciting half term in school.
In English, the children wrote fantastic warning stories, which focused on the story setting. Everyone used brilliant examples of personification to help bring their setting to life! The children have then looked at how to persuade and have written their own persuasive advert for their own invention.
In maths, everyone has worked really hard to understand decimals. We have been rounding decimals this week, which everyone has persevered with. The children have also used their prior knowledge of fractions to help them convert fractions to decimals.
In science, the children have been understanding how scientists classify animals and why this is important. In pairs, they have created their own branching database to show how you can classify different animals by asking specific questions.
In history, the children have been exploring how the Romans invaded Britain. They have looked at what life was like in Britain for the Celts before the Romans arrived. From this they have explored how the Romans have influenced our lives today and what legacy they have left behind. They found out that the Romans built roads, baths and introduced early forms of writing in Britain.
In RE, the children have been looking at churches and wondering if all churches are the same. The children have been asking lots of inquisitive questions to help them find out more. The children have also visited the Jamea mosque in Preston. This was a fantastic experience for everyone in Canada class and they found out lots of interesting facts.
I hope you all have a great half term rest. We look forward to seeing you all back in school ready for our final half term as year 4.
Mrs Bradley, Mrs Parr, Mrs Walker, Mrs D’Arcy and Mrs Lou.