China Class Spring Term
We've had a very busy half term in China Class and the children have worked incredibly hard.
In English, we have been focusing on grammar and punctuation. The children have learnt about using semi-colons, colons, the perfect form of verbs and adverbs to express time, place, possibility and cause.
Using their grammar and punctuation knowledge, the children have written amazing stories, character descriptions and setting descriptions.
In maths, the children worked very hard when learning about algebra, area and perimeter, volume and geometry.
In DT, we designed and made automatas. This involved using various tools: saws, drills, hammers and glue guns. The children showed great skill in measuring precisely, cutting out and trying different cams. Finally, the children decorated their automatas to fit in with their design. Many parents were able to join us for this stage, which was fantastic.
In RE, we have been thinking about the questions, ‘who was Jesus?’ and ‘who is Jesus?’. We have read parts of the bible; considered the names Jesus is known as, such as Messiah and the Light of the world; and discussed if Jesus is different things to different people.
Well done China Class for a great half term.
Have a lovely Easter break.
Miss Waring, Miss Carroll and Miss Rawsthorne.