China Spring 1
Year 6 have worked incredibly hard this half term to make it onto our recognition board. They have been Right Time Rhinos, Stay on Topic Tigers, Make 100% effort, perfect partners and many more.
In RE, the children have been learning about why the significant events are important and why the Exodus is such a significant event in Jewish and Christian history. They have looked at the Seder plate and designed their own special meal.
In science, the evolution unit has been really interesting. Year 6 looked at how animals and plants adapt to their environment, including the peppered moth and Darwin’s finches on the Galapagos Islands. They have also looked at how living things produce offspring that are not identical to their parents.
In maths, the children have tried really hard with percentages and ratio.
In English, China Class have written warning stories and a persuasive poster. They are using more grammar features when writing, like modal verbs and subordinating clauses.
For Safer Internet day, the class took part in a BBC live lesson and explored some of the risks of online gaming, and considered how to stay safe online.
We all really enjoyed our mystery readers and listening to the stories they read to use. It inspired us to bring in books to read to the class.