India Class
We have had a fantastic yet super busy half tem in year 3. In our english lessons, the children have all written creative stories all about a portal, they focused on setting description and what it would be like to go into another world. We have also been trying really hard to learn how to count in our 3’s, 4’s and 8’s in maths. In our geography unit, we have been looking at the structure of the Earth and volcanos and the advantages and disadvantages of living near one. The children really enjoyed looking on Google Earth and finding active, dormant and extinct volcanos. We have also had a festive DT unit were the children designed, made and evaluated their own festive sandwich. Thank you to all the adults who made it school to taste the children’s sandwiches. We have also been exploring forces and magnets in our science unit. The children set up investigations to test the poles on a magnet and even created their own game with just a magnet, paper clip and piece of paper.
What a great half term we have had in year 3 this term. I am looking forward to coming back in the new year and carrying on our super learning.
Merry Christmas and happy new year!