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Spring 1 Canada Class

Wow! What an amazing and very busy half term we have had in Canada class. The children produced some wonderful work in English using our model text The Tear Thief. They created their own version by changing the kind of thief. They added in all of the skills that they had been taught and the outcomes were fantastic.

It has been a tricky half term in maths. The children have been learning how to multiply and divide three digit numbers. They have had to apply their times tables knowledge in order to do this. I have to say that despite how hard it has been, that they have shown amazing resilience.

In science they have been learning about teeth and digestion. They were superb today in identifying carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and then deciding which kind of teeth they would need.

History has been good fun. The children have loved learning about aspects of Anglo – Saxon Britain. They know when they invaded and how long for. They have learned about who they were and why they invaded. They know that Britain was divided into several Kingdoms and that there were a number of leaders. Again, they produced fantastic and very artistic work.

In art the children have been learning how to create repeated patterns – tessellations. They had to think about complimentary colours and warm and cold shades too.
