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St Leonard's

Primary School

With God's help, we will be inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational.

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Year 1 News

We have had an exciting and productive half term. In english we have been writing wishing stories and thinking of different ways to start our sentences . During our maths lessons we have all learnt to tell the time, and have started to add together different amounts of money. We have produced some wonderful art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy .


We have all continued in our journey to get ready for year 2. Our targets on the recognition board have reflected this, we have been developing our listening skills and setting a good example to the younger children in school. 

This week we did our very first whole school assembly. We taught the other children all about the life of the Queen . It was a great success, we were able to use our oracy skills to speak loudly and clearly so that everyone could hear us. 


During our DT lessons we have made moving pictures with Mrs Parr. We had a great time and used the techniques Mrs Parr showed us to make a slider . We also enjoyed a dance workshop and conducted an experiment using raw eggs which was great fun. 


