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Year 2 Spring News

We have had a very busy half term learning lots of new things!


We have really enjoyed our history topic about the great fire of London. We looked at pictures of London in 1666, Samuel Pepys' diary and watched videos to find out information about the event. Lots of children created fantastic artwork and writing at home to showcase what they had learnt. To link to this history topic, we had a visit from Bamber Bridge Fire Service where we learnt what to do in case of a fire in our homes. 


In science, we continued our topic about materials. We investigated which materials can be bent, stretched, squashed and twisted. We also investigated which material makes the bounciest ball which we found to be sponge. 


In RE, we have been learning about how Jesus was welcoming to everyone. We learnt Bible stories including The Ten Lepers and the Healing of the Blind Man. The children enjoyed looking at a variety of artwork showing Jesus with children and then creating their own.

