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Primary School

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Year 5 Summer 1

Summer 1 has been a brilliant term for year 5!

In English, the children wrote fantastic defeating the monster stories. They had brilliant use of the action toolkit and description.

In maths, we have been looking at movement and angles. We will be continuing angles after half term but the children have shown lots of perseverance with these units. 

In history, we have enjoyed learning about human and civil rights. We learnt about a few notable figures like Emmeline Pankhurst and Malala Yousafzai.

We spent some time celebrating the king's coronation and completing work related, including royal portraits and invites, designing thrones using modern technology and discussing what we would do if we were king! As part of the big help out, we visited our local nursery and read some of our favourite books to them.  

The children had an informative visit to Jamea Mosque where they learnt about the 5 pillars of Islam and took part in 4 workshops, writing their names in Arabic, tasting foods, trying on thobes and completing the ablution needed for praying.

We are all looking forward to our final term and working hard to be ready for Year 6!
