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St Leonard's

Primary School

With God's help, we will be inclusive, independent, inquiring and inspirational.

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Year Two

Year Two have had a busy half term! In English we have been learning to write a suspense story. The children had great ideas for this and made their writing interesting and exciting.

In maths, we have been working hard on using the column method for addition and subtraction. We have also been using our number bonds to add three numbers together. 


In history, we have enjoyed learning about Learie Constantine and we loved showcasing our work on stage at Grandparent's Day. Please watch our video on the Grandparent's Day page to learn more. 


In art, we have been looking at the still life paintings created by Paul Cezanne. We had a go at creating our own still life pictures using paint and chalks. 


We are looking forward to another busy half term including performing our nativity play and going on a school trip!
