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  • Canada Class Spring 2

    Fri 31 Mar 2023 Mrs Lambert

    What a wonderful half-term we have had in Canada class. The children have written some amazing stories and have tried so hard to use all of the grammar skills that they have been taught. 

    We have been learning about fractions in maths and the children have wowed me. Fractions can be a very tricky concept but they have been so resilient and so many brought work in that they had been doing at home too!

    The children enjoyed our geography unit which was all about lines of longitude and latitude and time zones. They worked really hard and can now tell me lots about it all.

    In DT they loved designing, making, and evaluating their own pencil cases and did a wonderful job.

    I wish you all and your children a very happy, peaceful, and restful Easter.

    It has been a privilege teaching Canada class these last 10 months.


    Mrs Lambert and Canada class team. 


  • China Class Spring Term

    Thu 30 Mar 2023

    We've had a very busy half term in China Class and the children have worked incredibly hard.


    In English, we have been focusing on grammar and punctuation. The children have learnt about using semi-colons, colons, the perfect form of verbs and adverbs to express time, place, possibility and cause.
    Using their grammar and punctuation knowledge, the children have written amazing stories, character descriptions and setting descriptions.


    In maths, the children worked very hard when learning about algebra, area and perimeter, volume and geometry.  


    In DT, we designed and made automatas.  This involved using various tools: saws, drills, hammers and glue guns.  The children showed great skill in measuring precisely, cutting out and trying different cams.  Finally, the children decorated their automatas to fit in with their design. Many parents were able to join us for this stage, which was fantastic.


    In RE, we have been thinking about the questions, ‘who was Jesus?’ and ‘who is Jesus?’. We have read parts of the bible; considered the names Jesus is known as, such as Messiah and the Light of the world; and discussed if Jesus is different things to different people.


    Well done China Class for a great half term. 


    Have a lovely Easter break.

    Miss Waring, Miss Carroll and Miss Rawsthorne.

  • England Class - Spring 2 Newsletter

    Thu 30 Mar 2023 Miss Stephens

    Wow! It feels like we have blinked and the half term is over! What a lovely half term we have had in England class.


    In English, the children wrote their own bee fact files, comprised of their own bee facts that they learnt in school or for home learning. This week, the children have finished their innovated story for our story of The Sleepy Bumblebee. They chose their own place Mr Bumblebee could try to sleep but unfortunately Mr Bumblebee kept being disturbed from his slumber!


    In maths, we have begun to explore the composition of numbers to 10 and we will continue this into next term. The children have been using comparative language to describe when measuring different lengths, heights and capacities. We found it particularly funny when measuring eachother using objects around the classroom.


    In RE, we have read many Bible stories from the New Testament, exploring how Jesus told these stories to teach us about God and how to live our lives. We have also learnt about the most important time in the Church year, Easter.


    In our topic afternoons, the children designed, made and evaluated their own bookmarks using hessian, wool and a sewing needle. We are beyond impressed with all the children, the care and determination they showed to complete their book marks to such a high standard has been amazing to see. We also explored the natural world, observed and drew what we could see while in the forest area. We have practised taking turns, being able to wait for what we want and to keep trying when things are tricky.


    Well done England Class!


    Have a lovely Easter break,

    Miss Stephens and Mrs Rimmer

  • Spain Class News - Spring 2

    Wed 29 Mar 2023

    We've had a very busy half term in Spain Class! 

    In English, we have been looking at wishing stories and have learnt 'The Magic Porridge Pot' off by heart. We then innovated in to create new stories as well as writing completely new wishing stories. The children have worked really hard with their writing this half term. They have been working hard on trying to get their full stops and capital letters in the correct places. 

    In maths, we've been looking at numbers to 40 and have begun to look at solving word problems. The children have been using tens and ones to show which number is greater and to help them put three numbers in order. 

    In RE, we've been looking at the Easter story and have had lots of good discussions about spring and how we can see things that seemed dead come alive again. We've discussed how this reminds us of Jesus, who was dead but came back to life. We made some really lovely Easter gardens using natural material in the forest area at school. 

    In Science, our topic has been all about animals and humans. We've looked at the parts of our bodies and our senses. We've been on senses hunts and explored our senses. We've begun to look at animals and discussed how we know an animal is different to an object. We will continue this topic after Easter. 

    In Geography, we have really enjoyed our London topic and have particularly enjoyed looking at the London landmarks. We loved having the parents in for our London Exhibition. 

    What a great half term Spain Class! Well done!

    Have a lovely Easter break. 

    Mrs Holden, Miss Walsh, Mrs McEwan, Mrs Chester and Mrs Lou

  • Year 5 Spring 2

    Sat 25 Mar 2023

    It has been a busy half term with lots of new learning!

    In English, we have been learning to write suspense stories and information texts. The suspense stories we created were fantastic; we shared these with Year 2, who really enjoyed listening to our stories. 

    In DT, we all assembled torches. We first evaluated torches, designed our own and then created ours. We used an electric circuit, including a switch, and several junk materials to create our torch. Although this took a lot of perseverance, they turned out fantastic!

    In maths, we have been focusing on decimals and fractions. Lots of children enjoyed these units and were brilliant at them too!

    We have been learning about rainforests, focusing on the Amazon Rainforest, in geography. The children were really interested in learning that there are many people living in the rainforests!

    In science, we have been investigating materials and their properties. We will be carrying this on after half term.

    We had the opportunity to visit Manchester Airport Aerozone. We had lots of fun and learnt lots relating to jobs at the airport. Some of the activities we did were:
    - learning some interesting facts about the airport
    - role playing different jobs including air traffic control, cabin crew,check in assistants, aircraft Marshalls andsecurity (we used thereal baggage security machines and scanners!)
    - to end our day, we explored the new terminal, asked the workers our questions and found out what flights were departing that today!


    Have a lovely Easter break!

  • Year 2 trip to Wild Boar Park

    Wed 01 Mar 2023

    Year 2 had a great time at Wild Boar Park. We looked at lots of different animals and watched them being fed. We got to hold guinea pigs, snakes, snails and a cockroach. 

    We enjoyed playing on the park after we had eaten our lunch and then we finished the day with a tractor ride to see alpacas and emus. 


    We had a great time and learnt lots more about animals and farms. 
