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  • Spain news Summer 1

    Fri 26 May 2023 Miss Sweeney

    During this half term the children have been working really hard in all areas of the curriculum. They have fully embraced new concepts in maths such as multiplication, division and fractions. In English, the children have done a super job of writing their own journey stories with new characters. In science, we have been learning how to categorise animals. The children particularly enjoyed categorising the animals depending on what they eat. 

    In History, we have looked at transport from the past. The children have not been able to believe how long journeys took people in the past compared with now. In art, we have been looking at artists’ work that have been inspired by Flora and Fauna. The children are all very creative and were able to plan and create some amazing collages of a chosen minibeasts. In RE we have been finding out why baptism is important to Christians. As part of this work Reverend Anna came in to teach us what happens during a baptism service and brought us some things that are used during the service for us to look at. In PSHE the children have been learning about important and safe relationships. The children really enjoyed sharing their special relationships with their families and explaining why they are so special to them. Thank you for all your hard work, Spain Class you are really working hard to get ready for Year 2.


  • Year 2 Summer News

    Fri 26 May 2023

    We have worked really hard this half term in all subjects.


    In English, we have enjoyed learning the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and created our own versions of the story where Jack meets a new monster at the top of the beanstalk. The children had great ideas for their writing.


    In history, we have enjoyed learning about the Preston Guild. We found out that this happens every twenty years and we used magazines and DVDs to find out how people celebrate. We are looking forward to 2032 when the next Preston Guild will happen.


    In science, we have been investigating habitats in our school grounds. We looked at where animals live and why. 


    In art, we have enjoyed making worry dolls. We read the story Silly Billy by Anthony Browne and looked at the traditions in Guatemala for making worry dolls. The children worked hard binding lollipop sticks together with wool and then decorating it. 

  • England Class Summer 2

    Fri 26 May 2023 Miss Stephens

    This half term has flown by! As always, a fantastic half term for England class.


    In Literacy, we have written our own innovated journey story, based on the text Handa’s Surprise. The story follows a young girl named Handa who is wondering which fruit her friend, Akeyo, will like best as she walks to the next village with her fruit basket. Unbeknownst to Handa, some cheeky animals pinch the fruit out of her basket! Leaving Akeyo and Handa a funny surprise at the end of the story. We had great fun taste testing different fruit and using own green grocers role play area alongside our literacy lessons.


    In maths, we have enjoyed exploring 2D and 3D shapes by building pictures with 2D shapes and investigating the properties of 3D shapes. More recently we have learnt how to double numbers 1-5 and halve numbers within 10, the children are becoming fluent in quickly recalling these facts.


    One of the most exciting parts of our half term was the trip to Bring Yer Wellies! The children had an action packed day planting their own herbs, racing cork boats in a stream and den building. Of course the most talked about part of the day was …. the coach ride!


    In our afternoons we have explored the life cycles of different animals and insects, we have produced our own spinners showing the life cycle of a frog and created our own posters to showcase what we have learnt.


    In art, we have focused on the artist of Georgia O’Keeffe and her painting of Above the Clouds I. We studied the various shapes of clouds by observing them in the sky and recording what we saw. Then experimented with printing using various tools which then lead us to our final piece of using collage to create our cloud picture. Which I am sure will have pride of place on the fridge!


    In RE, our enquiry question was What makes a place holy? By looking at different places of worship in different world religions we have explored what special and holy places look like around the world. The children bought in their own holy books, clothes and objects they use in prayer or in their own place of worship.


    The Coronation provided us with an excellent opportunity to compare Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation to King Charles III’s. We compared life in the past to present day, used pictures and videos to help us compare and created our own class timeline. The coronation party day and after school family picnic was a huge success, it was lovely seeing our school family coming together to celebrate the occasion.


    We hope you all have a restful May half term break and look forward to welcoming the children back for our Summer 2 term.


    Miss Stephens and Mrs Rimmer

  • Canada Class Summer News

    Thu 25 May 2023 Deborah Bradley

    Canada class have had busy and exciting half term in school.

    In English, the children wrote fantastic warning stories, which focused on the story setting. Everyone used brilliant examples of personification to help bring their setting to life! The children have then looked at how to persuade and have written their own persuasive advert for their own invention.

    In maths, everyone has worked really hard to understand decimals. We have been rounding decimals this week, which everyone has persevered with. The children have also used their prior knowledge of fractions to help them convert fractions to decimals.

     In science, the children have been understanding how scientists classify animals and why this is important. In pairs, they have created their own branching database to show how you can classify different animals by asking specific questions.

    In history, the children have been exploring how the Romans invaded Britain. They have looked at what life was like in Britain for the Celts before the Romans arrived. From this they have explored how the Romans have influenced our lives today and what legacy they have left behind. They found out that the Romans built roads, baths and introduced early forms of writing in Britain.

    In RE, the children have been looking at churches and wondering if all churches are the same. The children have been asking lots of inquisitive questions to help them find out more. The children have also visited the Jamea mosque in Preston. This was a fantastic experience for everyone in Canada class and they found out lots of interesting facts.

    I hope you all have a great half term rest. We look forward to seeing you all back in school ready for our final half term as year 4.

    Mrs Bradley, Mrs Parr, Mrs Walker, Mrs D’Arcy and Mrs Lou.

  • India

    Thu 25 May 2023 Miss O'Keefe

    Well, what an amazing year India class have had in year 3! The children have had a great last week in school, enjoying a fun swim in our swimming lesson on Monday, transition day on Wednesday, running races on Thursday and then our last day today! The children have all been on the recognition board for many things: giving 100% effort, active learning, teamwork, perfect punctuation and lots more.

    The children worked super hard with their English unit this term, creating suspense stories and writing detailed instructions. In maths, the children have been learning fractions and angles. This was a tricky unit, but with perseverance the children really enjoyed learning lots of new knowledge.

    In geography, the children enjoyed learning about the Lake District, answering questions such as why do people go to the Lake District and what effect do tourist have on the Lake District?

    In science, the children learnt about rocks, the different types, how they are formed and how fossils are made.  

    It has been an absolute privilege to teach every single child in India class and we are super proud of all of them. I hope you all have a lovely summer holidays and I look forward to seeing you all in September!

    Miss O’Keefe


  • Year 5 Summer 1

    Mon 22 May 2023

    Summer 1 has been a brilliant term for year 5!

    In English, the children wrote fantastic defeating the monster stories. They had brilliant use of the action toolkit and description.

    In maths, we have been looking at movement and angles. We will be continuing angles after half term but the children have shown lots of perseverance with these units. 

    In history, we have enjoyed learning about human and civil rights. We learnt about a few notable figures like Emmeline Pankhurst and Malala Yousafzai.

    We spent some time celebrating the king's coronation and completing work related, including royal portraits and invites, designing thrones using modern technology and discussing what we would do if we were king! As part of the big help out, we visited our local nursery and read some of our favourite books to them.  

    The children had an informative visit to Jamea Mosque where they learnt about the 5 pillars of Islam and took part in 4 workshops, writing their names in Arabic, tasting foods, trying on thobes and completing the ablution needed for praying.

    We are all looking forward to our final term and working hard to be ready for Year 6!
