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A Journey in Faith, Love and Learning

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Spain Spring 1 news

    Fri 10 Feb 2023

    What a great half term we have had in Spain class! We have been working hard on our Recognition board targets. This helps us focus, concentrate and learn better. We have been calm koalas, right time rhinos and proud penguins! 


    In English, we have been learning the story of Pirate Tom and then we innovated this text to make our own stories up about a pirate. In non-fiction, we have been persuading each other to be a pirate. We learnt our text map so well.


    In maths we have been adding and subtracting to 20. We have used mental methods, number lines, counters and tens frames.


    In science, we have been learning all about different materials. In art, we have made birds out of foam boards, wire and feathers. They look fantastic! In music, we have been singing songs such as Daisy Do, Rock a bye baby and If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. We loved keeping fit in our PE lessons too.

  • Year 2 Spring News

    Wed 08 Feb 2023

    We have had a very busy half term learning lots of new things!


    We have really enjoyed our history topic about the great fire of London. We looked at pictures of London in 1666, Samuel Pepys' diary and watched videos to find out information about the event. Lots of children created fantastic artwork and writing at home to showcase what they had learnt. To link to this history topic, we had a visit from Bamber Bridge Fire Service where we learnt what to do in case of a fire in our homes. 


    In science, we continued our topic about materials. We investigated which materials can be bent, stretched, squashed and twisted. We also investigated which material makes the bounciest ball which we found to be sponge. 


    In RE, we have been learning about how Jesus was welcoming to everyone. We learnt Bible stories including The Ten Lepers and the Healing of the Blind Man. The children enjoyed looking at a variety of artwork showing Jesus with children and then creating their own.


  • Brazil Spring 1

    Tue 07 Feb 2023

    In Year 5, it has been another busy term!

    In English, we have been learning to write portal stories and instructions. We have shown a huge improvement in our writing. We have been looking at how and why we use relative clauses.

    In art, we have been printing a monotype using carbon copy paper. Our artwork was inspired by the poem "Ghosts in the Garden." We displayed our artwork and demonstrated how to utilise carbon copy paper to our parents and grown-ups, which was very exciting!

    In maths, we have been focusing on fractions. This included ordering, comparing, adding and subtracting. We will be finishing off our unit with multiplying fractions next term. 

    We have been learning about Jesus as a teacher in RE. With regard to this, we have produced some incredible artwork. We even examined British values and contrasted them with school and Christian values. 
    We have been studying the Tudors and their influence on Britain in history. 

    In science, we have been investigated forces including water resistance and friction. We investigated this by testing different shape boats in water and cars on difference surfaces.

    The children have shown a big improvement in their behaviour this term. We have been concentrating on being focused and being kind to all. 

    We are looking forward to another busy term!

  • Spain Class

    Mon 19 Dec 2022 Mrs Holden

    Spain Class have had a great half term!

    In DT, the children loved cutting up fruit and making smoothies. 

    In English, the children worked really hard to learn the story of the gingerbread man and wrote their own versions. They have also worked hard writing instructions for making a variety of sandwiches as well as their smoothies. We've worked hard trying to learn what nouns and verbs are. 

    In maths, we've been looking at addition and subtraction using numbers to 10. This will help us as we begin to look at numbers to 20. 

    In computing the children have been learning about algorithms and have followed and written their own. 

    In RE, we've enjoyed learning about the nativity and that Jesus is described as a gift from God. We also loved being part of the Nativity put on by Year 2 by being sheep and singing a song. 

    The children have worked hard on their behaviour this half term and have been showing focus and concentration while working and being kind to each other. These are some of the things the children have gone on the recognition board for. 

    We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a very happy new year. We look forward to seeing you in the new year. 

    Mrs Holden, Miss Walsh, Mrs McEwan, Mrs Chester and Mrs Lou. 

  • China Class

    Mon 19 Dec 2022

    China Class have had a great half term. 
    In DT, we have chosen recipes, cooked them and scored them in our ‘Come dine with me’ unit.  The apple crumble sundae was the winning dish!

    In science, we have learnt about classification and family members joined us for the final lesson – to design a new animal and identify its class.

    In English, we enjoyed researching unusual fears, such as the fear of long words and the fear of bananas, and have written an information text about them.

    In maths, we worked really hard on fractions and have moved on to decimals.

    We have learnt about the Amazon in geography, including the city of Manaus and how we need to protect the Amazon.

    We have also enjoyed taking part in the dance workshop, participating in the poppies and poetry drama; joining in our class Santa dash; making Christingles; taking part in our Christingle service and buying gifts and opening the presents from our Secret Santa.

  • Canada Class

    Fri 16 Dec 2022 Mrs Lambert

    What a very busy but exciting half-term we have had in Canada class. The children have written some amazing stories based on our model text The Kapok Tree. We have learned how to count in 6's, 7's, and 11's and have learned many different strategies to help us learn our tables.

    In geography, the children have learned about the water cycle and demonstrated their understanding through drama and music. Our DT unit was to be able to follow a recipe and make biscuits. The children also had to design packaging for their biscuit. We had a great time mixing the recipe and cutting out the biscuits. Unfortunately, the baking part did not go to plan but the children still had biscuits to decorate and were able to evaluate the whole process!

    Some of the children participated in a dodgeball competition and represented the school wonderfully and the whole class enjoyed a dance workshop.

    Thank you to all of the adults who were able to make it into school to help the children decorate.

    We have had a wonderful half term and are looking forward to our new learning after Christmas.

    Merry Christmas.

  • Brazil Autumn term

    Mon 12 Dec 2022

    Brazil class has had a busy but enjoyable half term! 
    We have been learning how to write meeting stories in English. The children used engaging writing to match the toolkit and had fantastic ideas. 
    We have been focusing a lot on division in maths. We will next move on to graphs and then fractions. 
    We have enjoyed studying air pollution and climate change in geography. We conducted an investigation about air pollution in our local area.
    In DT, we have either made vegetable or minestrone soups. Waitrose visited our class to teach us about many vegetables: which are tasty in soups and where they come from. Then, in groups, we adapted a recipe and prepared the soups for our parents and grown-ups to sample and evaluate!

    Other exciting events that have happened this term are No-Pen-Day Wednesday and the Poetry and Poppies worship we took part in. We focused on our oracy and drama skills. 

    We also led a worship service about Advent for the entire school. The children all contributed brilliantly and performed two songs beautifully. 

    We all wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

  • Spain class news

    Fri 21 Oct 2022

    We have had a fantastic first half term in Year 1! We have learnt the story of Billy's Beetle using a text map. We have also written an information text all about our favourite animals. In our maths lessons, we have been learning one more and one less. We have learnt how to add two numbers together using counters or our fingers. In history, we have started our journey to becoming historians. We learnt about schools from the past.

    Our artist this half term has been Sandra Silberzweig. We have produced some fantastic work. We loved our art lesson with our grown ups today. We also loved performing Heads, Shoulders, Knees and toes to our Grandparents last Friday too. What an exciting half term we have had! Thank you for all your hard work and have a great half term!

  • Year 6

    Fri 21 Oct 2022

    The children in China Class have been amazing this half term.

    They have worked hard in lessons: completing a defeating the monster story and a set of instructions; discussing about how life is a journey in RE; learning about the Transatlantic slave trade and its abolition; learning long multiplication and division and multiples, factors and primes and finding out about the circulatory system, including the heart.

    The children have had a rugby lesson; taken part in our vision day; helped out during Grandparents’ day and spent time with the adults who visited; have met their buddies and walked to church with them for Harvest and today we have discussed the importance of showing racism the red card.

  • New Zealand Class

    Fri 21 Oct 2022 Mrs. Beard

    We have had an exciting start to year 1. This half term we have learnt a text map of the story of Billy's Beetle. This week we used our knowledge of bees and hedgehogs to write information reports. In our maths lessons we have learnt how to add two numbers together and this week we started our next unit about subtraction . In our history lessons we have started our journey to becoming historians . We learnt about schools from the past. Mrs. Beard had to drink milk from glass bottles and had a school television that was on wheels. 


    Our artist this half term has been Sandra Silberzweig . We have produced some fantastic work. We are looking forward to sharing our skills with our parents. We loved performing to our Grandparents last Friday. We told them all about Autumn and sang a beautiful song .   
